Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Today in class we discussed our projects. We decided it is, in fact, easier to complain about people who run a country than it is to design a country with a perfect balance of rights and responsibilities.

We examined the issue of "rights vs. responsibilities" in American society. We will discuss each right more closely, as well as each responsibility, but we were in general agreement that it's impossible to have rights without putting some effort into the "responsibility" column.

Ideas we will discuss:
--the definition of "freedom" today is not the same as "freedom" was at the time of the Founding Fathers. We will discuss how the idea of freedom has evolved and changed.
--we will discuss the history and origins of the idea of "freedom" on which America was founded.
--we will discuss how the civilizations of Greece, Rome, England and France strongly influenced the government we have today.
--we will discuss areas of opportunity to exercise our rights and freedoms and ways to carry out our responsibilities as American citizens.

Homework: (quiz grade) On Friday at 9PM, Senators Obama and McCain will take part in their first debate. I would like you to grab some popcorn and watch this debate. In your notebook, write at least three good points each participant makes, and at least points on which they were corrected. If you cannot watch this debate on Friday for reasons beyond your control, pick up a newspaper article on Saturday and read the article about it, watch the clips that will be posted on Youtube, or go to cnn.com and search for news stories about the debate which will lead you to clips of the highlights.